Get More For Your Money With MeetNative

Unlock free drinks, appetizers, and desserts at local restaurants by meeting the spending minimum with our free app

Plus, you could earn over $1,000 a month in passive income through our partner referral program!

What We Do

We help our users get more for their money by offering exclusive perks such as free drinks, appetizers, and desserts when they meet the minimum spending requirement at their nearby restaurants

One App

One Standard Promotion

Diverse dining options

How It Works?

Claim the perks In Just 2 Taps

Open the app to see nearby restaurants. It is totally FREE to claim the perks!

Choose Your Restaurant

All the restaurants come with exclusive perks such as free drinks, appetizers, and desserts.


Choose Your Restaurant

All the restaurants come with exclusive perks such as free drinks, appetizers, and desserts.

Enjoy Exclusive Perks

Simply spend the minimum spend at the restaurant and show the perks screen to your server to redeem your perks.


Discover Our Benefits

Exclusive perks such as FREE food and Drinks
Earn over $1000/month in passive income with our referral program
Discover nearby restaurants & bars